Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's boooring!

My city friends say they wouldn't live in the country because it's boooring!! They don't know what they're talking about.

In the last few weeks in our little country town there has been hardly time to take a breath. First the school holidays and long, lazy days at the pool, then the huge Australia Day breakfast in the park when our hard-working residents were rewarded with Citizen of the Year presentations - very highly sought after in our small community!

The A P and H Society annual show followed shortly afterwards and most locals turned up to see who had won what and what for and to give their own comments on the entries that they thought should have won - what would the judges know??

Hardly time to clean up the showground and then the biggest event of the year is here - the country festival which attracts people from far and wide and swells the population by five or six thousand people on the day. In a drought affected area such as ours and most other rural areas in Australia, this gives a huge boost to the economy and also lifts the spirits of the locals who can enjoy a huge day out for very little cost.

Then it's time to get the gladrags ready for the yearly picnic race meeting, the next biggest event in our district. Racegoers turn up from all over Australia - last year there was a visitor from WA - and people travel for hours to be part of one of the last truly "bush" picnics held in this part of the State.

Who says "it's boooring" in the bush?

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